

Governor Training
Our school Governors receive annual safeguarding training and as part of this all Governors have read and understood the latest edition of "Keeping Children Safe in Education"
Register of Interests
Our governors annually declare any interest in school business- either financially or materially. This register of interests is held by the school. 
There are no interests financially or material wise from any governor in Barndale School. 
Our Governing Body
Ms Sue Wildsmith

Chair of Governors- Authority Governor

Ms Dawn Robertson

Vice-Chair Co-opted Governor

Mr Mark Phillips


Mrs Jenny Smith

Strategic Committee- Co-opted Governor

Ms Katrina Green

Strategic Committee- Co-opted Governor Residential

Mrs Hannah Moeini

Strategic Committee- Co-opted Governor

Mrs Sarah Dickson

Strategic Committee- Staff Governor

Mrs Gayle Fairbairn

Resources Committee- Parent Governor

Dr Christopher Benjamin

Resources Committee- Co-opted Governor

Mrs Claire Marr

Resources Committee- Parent Governor

Ms Lesley Grieve

Resources Committee